Ting Cai is a versatile leader in product, technology and business and has been in the search and online service business for more than 10 years. As a partner director, he works on speech and search product and technology that power Bing and other Microsoft products and services. He is also the director of Bing News, responsible for delivering the most relevant news search results to hundreds of millions of users every day. Before that, he worked on the Windows operating system, pioneered the subscription business model for online services, created new products for Bing shopping, and shipped large-scale engineering products including Bing Snapshot that gives users the knowledge graph of the web. Besides Microsoft, Ting also worked at several startups. He frequently speaks at Big Data and AI for Media conferences and served as a reviewer for the 2019 AI and the News Open Challenge. He holds a master’s in computer science from Dartmouth College and an MBA the University of Washington.