The ONA Issues Tumblr is your platform to define and explore the pressing issues in digital media and get a better fix on how they impact your work. Here are the top five posts from last week.
- What is SOPA and how does it affect you? The House delayed voting on SOPA until next session, but this overview will give you details you need on what the bill means.
- ProPublica launches “Explore Sources” feature, which allows readers to see original source material while reading articles.
Screenshot showing the Show Sources feature in action in the ProPublica story, Why Can’t Linda Carswell get Her Husband’s Heart Back?
- An infographic from COLORLINES asserts that how we access the internet is creating a new digital divide.
- The New York Times explores a world with seven billion inhabitants in the crowdsourced photo slideshow, “Picturing 7 million.”
- Stanford offers free online classes in computer science and entrepreneurship.
To share an issue or join the conversation, submit your own post, reblog on your own Tumblr or comment on a post.
(Computer keyboard photo on homepage by Paul Garland via Flickr.)