Legal updates include successes and setbacks
On June 23, the Standing Committee at the Senate Gallery denied SCOTUSblog’s appeal for receiving credentials. ONA had joined a May 22 letter drafted by the Reporters Committee in defense of SCOTUSblog’s application, urging a reconsideration of its denial.
Last week, the Supreme Court ruled against warrantless searches of cell phones, agreeing with an argument in a March 10 brief ONA joined with 13 other media organizations that such a search would violate the First and Fifth Amendments. “It is essential for the Court to make clear that a search warrant is required in cases like these to prevent changing technology from eroding our most basic rights.”
ONA and 15 other news organizations joined a brief filed by The Reporters Committee to argue that Idaho’s “ag gag” statute weakens food safety guarantees at the same time that it stifles free speech. Journalists’ investigations into meat-processing facilities have long been credited with advancing the safety of the food the public consumes.