ONA Weekly #174

By on September 13, 2017

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 ONA Weekly No. 174


Nominees announced for Board of Directors election

We’re pleased to announce the nominees up for election to the 2018–19 Board of Directors for the Online News Association. A total of 11 candidates — six new nominees and five incumbents, representing a wide and diverse range of digital media — are running for five open seats. Learn more about this impressive slate of digital media leaders. Voting will open Oct. 3 and close Oct. 19. All ONA members in good standing as of Oct. 2, 2017, are eligible to vote.



Meet ONA Local leader Tasha Stewart

Tasha Stewart is entertainment editor at WCPO and co-leads ONA Cincinnati, which kicks off with its first event this month. About the Cincinnati journalism community, she said, “While we may work for competitors, many of us are connected in some way through our shared work history or social groups. So, there are a lot of friendships across competing outlets, and there’s a lot of camaraderie.” Get to know her.



How journalists can avoid burnout

ONA Local leaders Hannah Wise and Kat Friedrich hosted a Slack chat on burnout prevention and self-care last month. Their conversation addressed how hard it is to even bring this up in the newsroom and ways to cope. Check out their tips to help track and prevent burnout.



Upcoming events

ONA Local groups regularly host events and meetups for digital journalists all over the world. Find a group near you or get in touch if you’re interested in starting an ONA Local group.



Jobs for journalists

Whether you’re focused on getting a new job right now or just interested in seeing what opportunities are out there, ONA’s Career Center is an excellent resource for journalism jobs. It’s free for job seekers to browse. Recent postings include:



What we’re reading



The Online News Association is a nonprofit membership organization for digital journalists, connecting journalism, technology & innovation. Learn why you should become a member.



Jennifer Mizgata

Jennifer Mizgata is Director of Programs at the Online News Association, where she leads the Women's Leadership Accelerator. At ONA, Jennifer focuses on identifying talented digital journalists and innovative journalism projects and providing them with support. Jennifer is a business and design strategist with over a decade of experience creating industry-changing training programs, investing in award-winning projects, and managing key relationships with journalism partners and tech stakeholders. She regularly coaches managers, senior leaders and entrepreneurs on challenges related to their careers and launching new ventures. Jennifer shares advice for navigating tough work challenges in Work Space, a monthly column for Fortune.