ONA Weekly #175

By on September 20, 2017

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 ONA Weekly No. 175


Two weeks until ONA17!

Only two weeks until ONA17, the Online News Association conference in Washington, D.C.! From dozens of sessions aimed at helping you improve your digital storytelling, to our annual Online Journalism Awards ceremony on Oct. 7, there’s something to inspire everyone. The conference is sold out, but we’ll be streaming video and sharing takeaways so you can follow along, wherever you are. 



D.C. workshop for students and young professionals

This year, American University is organizing ONA U, a workshop for students and young professionals in advance of ONA17. Open to anyone, not just conference attendees, this series of inspiring and practical talks will give you tips on everything from branding yourself to using social media to source stories. This mini-conference, held Oct. 4 in Washington, D.C., is $5 and you need to RSVP to attend. 



How can VR impact viewers?

Rich discussions are happening around both the limitations and potential for virtual reality. The recent VR for Change Summit focused on addressing some critical questions for journalists, from how VR storytelling can make viewers feel to examining the nexus of games and journalism. Read takeaways about different ways of experiencing VR from Journalism 360 co-lead Mitch Gelman. 



Tell us what you think about ONA

We’re looking for volunteers to share their opinions about ONA, as well as discuss the strengths and challenges digital journalism faces now and in the future. Selected volunteers will participate in one in-person 90-minute focus group at ONA17 in Washington, D.C., and will receive a $25 gift card. The information we gather will help inform ONA’s next strategic plan and ensure that we are meeting the needs of our diverse community. Sign up by Friday, Sept. 22.



New ONA Local group in Cincinnati

ONA Cincinnati is kicking off its first event on Sept. 26, with a happy hour at the Mercantile Library. Join journalists from southwestern Ohio and the region for an exciting evening featuring Liz Worthington of the American Press Institute on metrics and impact, plus free drinks and snacks. Join the group!




Recruit at ONA17, even if you’re not there

Looking to promote a job, fellowship or education opportunity during ONA17? Join the Big Board — a way to attract the world’s top digital news talent, even if you can’t make it to D.C.! These white boards will be placed near registration, our most highly-trafficked area of the conference. Contact Jessica Strelitz for details at jessica@journalists.org



Upcoming events

ONA Local groups regularly host events and meetups for digital journalists all over the world. Find a group near you or get in touch if you’re interested in starting an ONA Local group.


Jobs for journalists

Whether you’re focused on getting a new job right now or just interested in seeing what opportunities are out there, ONA’s Career Center is an excellent resource for journalism jobs. It’s free for job seekers to browse. Recent postings include:



RFA seeks newsrooms, reporters and partners

Report for America, a national initiative to revitalize journalism by placing emerging journalists into local newsrooms for a year of service, launched this week, led by The GroundTruth Project in partnership with Google News Lab, The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Galloway Family Foundation,The Center for Investigative Reporting and Reveal Lab and Solutions Journalism Network. RFA seeks newsrooms, reporters and partners for its 2018 pilot year.


What we’re reading



The Online News Association is a nonprofit membership organization for digital journalists, connecting journalism, technology & innovation. Learn why you should become a member.



Jennifer Mizgata

Jennifer Mizgata is Director of Programs at the Online News Association, where she leads the Women's Leadership Accelerator. At ONA, Jennifer focuses on identifying talented digital journalists and innovative journalism projects and providing them with support. Jennifer is a business and design strategist with over a decade of experience creating industry-changing training programs, investing in award-winning projects, and managing key relationships with journalism partners and tech stakeholders. She regularly coaches managers, senior leaders and entrepreneurs on challenges related to their careers and launching new ventures. Jennifer shares advice for navigating tough work challenges in Work Space, a monthly column for Fortune.