2017 The David Teeuwen Student Journalism Award, Large Newsroom winner

Cuba’s New Wave

About the Project

Cuba’s New Wave explores stories about youth in Cuba during a time of change in the country. The student team — 11 photographers/videographers, 4 reporters, 4 designers, and 4 web developers — was put together as a part of an annual project by the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Media and Journalism that has students work together to produce videos, written stories, and a website with interactive graphics through the semester.

The trip to Havana, Cuba was over Spring Break — about 8 workable days — during which time all of the content for the site was gathered, including video (including 360), photo and interviews with sources. The backend of the website was built by 2 of the developers as a lightweight CMS using NodeJS and the Google Drive API – content creators were able to put their content directly into a Google Doc to view and edit it before being pushed up to the site. Students also had access to 6 coaches, including 4 adjunct/full-time professors at UNC, and 2 visiting graduates of the master’s program.

Across the Harbor from Rob Gourley on Vimeo.