
The Washington Post

2014 The University of Florida Award for Investigative Data Journalism, Large Newsroom finalist

Homes for the Taking: Liens, loss and profiteers

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2014 Feature, Large Newsroom finalist

Refuge: 18 Stories of the Syrian Exodus

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2014 General Excellence in Online Journalism, Large Newsroom finalist

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2017 Excellence and Innovation in Visual Digital Storytelling, Large Newsroom finalist

A New Age of Walls

Samuel Granados, Zoeann Murphy, Kevin Schaul and Anthony Faiola | Read More

2017 Topical Reporting, Large Newsroom winner

Trump Charities

David A. Fahrenthold | Read More

2017 The University of Florida Award for Investigative Data Journalism, Large Newsroom finalist

Unnatural Causes

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2017 Explanatory Reporting, Large Newsroom finalist

Mobile Power, Human Toll

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2015 The University of Florida Award for Investigative Data Journalism, Large Newsroom finalist

Stop and Seize

Michael Sallah, Robert O'Harrow Jr., Steven Rich | Read More

2015 Excellence and Innovation in Visual Digital Storytelling, Large Newsroom finalist

The N-Word

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2015 Planned News/Events, Large Newsroom finalist

The Senate Report on the CIA’s Interrogation Program

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