Between people’s uncertainty about the state of the world and increasing tensions around social justice, individuals from all walks of life are using social spaces … Learn more.
ONA Insights: Emerging Tech
For the latest ONA Insights event, we’re hosting two days of in-depth conversations on emerging technology and immersive journalism on July 29-30. Hear from journalism … Learn more.
ONA NJ: ONA NJ-Sound Bath Meditation for Journalists
Jacqué Palmer will use a variety of sound instruments like her voice, bells, chimes rain sticks and mainly Quartz Crystal bowls to induce a state of relaxation in the body.
ONA Spain: Periodistas sin medios: cómo buscarte tu propia audiencia (David González)
Hablaremos de cómo saber qué quieren leer tus lectores, dónde quieren leerlo o de cómo sacarle partido a tu newsletter, entre otras muchas ideas para que te animes a crear o mejorar tu proyecto de emprendimiento periodístico durante este verano.
ONA Insights: Audience Development & Analytics
Take part in vibrant discussions with experts from The New York Times, NowThis, BuzzFeed News and more as they dive deep into the latest tools … Learn more.
Informed & Engaged: Shifting Tech Trends in the Age of COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has increased opportunities for news organizations to embrace emerging technologies. Join us in a conversation with Amy Webb, one of America’s leading … Learn more.
ONA NJ: Mindful Yoga for Journalists: Sadie Bazur Leidy with the Democracy Fund
Sadie Bazur Leidy will lead this 60-minute slow flow to work towards building heat and creating space in the body.
ONA Salt Lake City: Group Check-in
Let's meet up and talk about how ONA Local can best meet your needs as a journalist weathering the pandemic storm.
ONA NJ: 4 financial must-dos for journalists laid off or seeking work after COVID-19
Oona Rokyta, CEO and co-founder of Lance, will walk you through the next 30 days of your business planning as a freelancer or recently laid-off journalist.
ONA Spain: ¿Qué me estás contando? Datos y explicaciones para una pandemia (Paula Guisado)
Hemos querido inaugurar las charlas en ONA Spain con la periodista Paula Guisado (#FootballLeaks, El Mundo, Newtral), especialista en innovación y periodismo de datos, así como autora de una newsletter diaria sobre el coronavirus.
ONA CDMX: Sesión 4: ¿Cómo hablar de nuestras experiencias durante las crisis?
Este evento forma parte del *SEMINARIO: HERRAMIENTAS PARA PERIODISTAS EN MOMENTOS DE CRISIS* facilitado por la organización Vita-Activa.Org. Se compone de cuatro sesiones en línea, … Learn more.
Free Virtual Yoga: Self-Care for Journalists and Media-Makers
ONA LA, ONA San Diego and ONA Phoenix are joining together for a free yoga class as part of self-care during this stressful time.
ONA LA: Free Virtual Yoga: Self-Care for Journalists and Media-Makers
ONA LA, ONA San Diego and ONA Phoenix are joining together for a free yoga class as part of self-care during this stressful time.
ONA DC: Origami Happy Hour
Join ONA DC and ONA South Florida for a session of origami, quarantinis and catch-up!
ONA CDMX: Sesión 3: ¿Cómo mejorar nuestra resiliencia y autocuidado?
Hablaremos de cómo incorporar prácticas constructivas de salud mental en nuestras vidas personales y profesionales.
ONA STL: ONA St. Louis virtual yoga, mental heath check-in
We invite you to virtually join us for a mental health check-in and one-hour meditation and gentle yoga session led by Southtown Yoga's owner Candace Glass.
ONA Boston: 30 Minutes of Movement & Mindfulness for Media Professionals
These are stressful times for journalists and media professionals. Take a 30-minute break and find out how movement and mindfulness can help.
ONA CDMX: Reporteando el coronavirus: Cómo monitorear TikTok
Acompáñanos a una sesión interactiva sobre cómo funciona TikTok, cómo podemos encontrar tendencias o cómo podemos investigar en esta red. Daremos tips básicos para monitorear contenido en la aplicación.
ONA SoFla: Listen! That’s the sound of journos safely de-stressing together
Join us as we host the first in a series of ONA Local virtual wellness meetups, thanks to the support of the Democracy Fund.
ONA NJ: Virtual Happy Hour #2
Join us for another virtual happy hour, you fellow stressed, overworked, burned-out and anxious New Jersey journalists!