Monday, Jun. 18, 2018 • Washington, DC

ONA DC: June Meetup at The Atlantic!


Monday, Jun. 18, 2018
6:30 pm-8:30 pm

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA DC

Join us at The Atlantic for The Product Manager Panel!

Happy summer, ONADC! We’re kicking off June with a panel discussion about one of the hottest and most interesting gigs in the online news world: product management.

Join us at The Atlantic as we convene a Q&A with three media leaders in the product space. They’ll answer common questions (so.. what is a product manager, anyway? And how do you do…that?), and we’ll ask them how they got to this point in their careers. And if you’re *really* good, maybe they’ll also tell us where they think product is going in the next five years.

The Atlantic is kind enough to sponsor this event and offer food and beverages. So come hungry, thirsty, and ready to ask questions!

Our panelists include:

Stacey Goers, Product Manager at NPR

Anika Gupta, Senior Product Manager at The Atlantic

Heidi Strom-Moon, Product Manager at Slate

A panel discussion about one of the hottest and most interesting gigs in the online news world: product management.
