Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019 • Washington, DC

ONA DC: This Saturday: ONADC Museum Field Trip (!!!)


Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019
4 pm-6 pm

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA DC


ONADC Organizer Lauren Katz had a great idea: How about a museum field trip at the National Portrait Gallery? Fun, right?

So, are you free this Saturday? August 24? Say, 4-6 pm?

Great! Join us for an afternoon of art. We’ll practice the number one priority for August in DC — staying cool — by soaking up some fantastic portraits. Snacks to follow for those who are interested.


Meet in the courtyard cafe of the National Portrait Gallery (the big atrium in the middle of the two buildings) at 4 pm.

See you there!

Join us for an afternoon of art.



National Portrait Gallery Courtyard Cafe
750 9th St NW #410, Washington
DC 20001