Wednesday, Apr. 1, 2020 • ,

ONA Rocky Mountain: Coronavirus Coverage and Chill Happy Hour

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Rocky Mountain

Join ONA members for a (virtual) evening of drinks and conversation. There’s no formal agenda. Instead, we’re here to offer advice, support and a listening ear to journalists who want to discuss what covering the coronavirus has been like for them. And if they have any pain points, we’re here as a resource to help them brainstorm and offer ideas, tips and tools that may help them.

This will be done virtually through Google Hangouts. If you intend to come, please send an email to along with your Google email so one of our co-organizers can add you to the video chat. Please put “ONA HAPPY HOUR” in the subject line. Google Hangouts tops out at 25 people so this will be a first-come, first-served situation!

We will also be “tipping” the Denver Press Club workers through a DPC board member’s fundraiser as a gesture of good will to the club that has hosted many of our events. It’s not required, but encouraged. You can donate here:


Wednesday, Apr. 1, 2020
7 pm-9 pm

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