Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2017 • Denver, CO

ONA Rocky Mountains: AI: Impacting Journalism, but Can it Prevent “Fake News”?


Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2017
5:30 pm-7:30 pm

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Rocky Mountain

While Artificial Intelligence conjures images of Terminator machines taking over the world, AI has real applications in the world of journalism and the method by which we consume and process news and information.

Join us for a thoughtful discussion on Artificial Intelligence and its impact on your career, your newsroom and the future of journalism.

Our panel of AI experts will discuss the latest technology and the ability of AI to not only manipulate our thinking and behavior but also combat falsehoods and the proliferation of “fake news.”

Our panelists include:

Jim Gunderson — Cognitive Systems Architect with Gunderfish, LLC, a firm focused on applying artificial intelligence for applications in security, finances, planning and analysis.

Jason Zuker — CEO of Human Input Output, a platform to enhance personal and professional performance by applying tools from the emerging world of technology and insight into human behavior.

David Mayer — Principal Analyst, Artificial Intelligence at NelsonHall Research. David has over twenty-five years of experience in strategic marketing, data sciences, brand management, corporate finance, and management consulting.

Join us at 5:30pm for a Holiday Happy Hour including drinks, snacks and networking. The panel discussion will begin at 6:00pm.

Join us for a thoughtful discussion on artificial intelligence and its impact on your career, your newsroom and the future of journalism.



Denver Press Club
1330 Glenarm Pl
Denver, CO