The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the <a>Online News</a> Association in cooperation with the Society of Professional Journalists, the Denver Press Club and the Colorado Association of Black Journalists would like to invite you to a summer happy hour on Wednesday, August 30 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Open Media Foundation in Denver.
The purpose in holding this event is two-fold:
1. Our groups operate independently but have a similar mission — to promote journalism and provide networking, educational and <a>professional opportunities</a> for our members. We thought it might be a great idea to gather under one roof to celebrate our strengths, encourage engagement and educate each other about the events and professional <a>development opportunities</a> available to journalists in Colorado.
2. We would like to acquaint our members with the facilities and services available to journalists at the Open Media Foundation. The non-profit foundation
provides training, tools and affordable, high-end media and technology services to <a>nonprofits</a>, governments and individuals so they can “represent their own voice in the media conversation, engage in their community and bring about the change they wish to see in the world.”
During the event, we will serve light food and drinks. (Stay tuned for more information!)
We look forward to meeting you at the Summer Journalism Happy Hour!