Tuesday, Jul. 10, 2018 • Seattle, wa

ONA Seattle: How can newsrooms reflect the diversity of the communities we serve?


Tuesday, Jul. 10, 2018
5:30 pm-7:30 pm

 An ONA Local event, hosted by ONA Seattle

We’ve invited four Seattle-area speakers to talk about what strategies newsrooms can use to reflect the diversity of the communities they serve, including hiring best practices, mentoring programs, editorial strategies and more.

We’ve lined up three speakers, listed below, and we’re also inviting anyone who works in a Seattle-area newsroom to pitch themselves as our fourth speaker using this form: https://onaseattle.typeform.com/to/B8weSV

Each presentation will be limited to five minutes followed by a short Q&A with each presenter. Afterward, there will be time for more networking and group discussion so we can all learn more from each other.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and we’ll start presentations at 5:45 p.m. We’ll also be serving light drinks and refreshments. Thanks to Hive Media Lab and AAJA Seattle, our co-sponsors for tonight’s event.

Please RSVP on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-can-newsrooms-reflect-the-diversity-of-the-communities-we-serve-tickets-47097135801

Meet our speakers:

VENICE BUHAIN, The Seattle Globalist

SHIRLEY QIU, The Seattle Times




ONA Seattle is a local chapter of the Online News Association. The Online News Association is a nonprofit membership organization for digital journalists — connecting journalism, technology and innovation. Join our local Facebook group.


Founded in 1981, the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is a non-profit professional and educational organization with more than 1,600 members. Since 1985, Seattle’s AAJA chapter has provided scholarships for students, professional development for journalists and service to the community in the Pacific Northwest.


In a former TV studio next door to the Space Needle, Cascade Public Media, home of PBS member station KCTS 9 TV and digital media outlet Crosscut.com., launched Hive Media Lab. Hive Media Lab is an open lab with collaboration and production space on a mission to democratize innovation in media. The space opened to the public in February 2018.

We’ve invited four Seattle-area speakers to talk about what strategies newsrooms can use to reflect the diversity of the communities they serve, including hiring best practices, mentoring programs, editorial strategies and more.
