As the old saw goes: “Walk a mile in my shoes, and you’ll see.”
Well, at the ONA Conference, there are miles and miles of walking and talking the floor.  Then when you tack on the years of walking in the shoes of a journalist, the mind boggles at the storylines from the journey. We decided to do some shoe-leather reporting on the kicks that grace the show here in Denver.
And let’s quell one debate right now: this isn’t a Dress for Success piece, but rather a (short) stroll in someone else’s shoes to gain the wisdom of the hard-earned miles that make up a the life of a journalist. In our ongoing series, we ask the Humans of ONA16 for the advice they’d give themselves at the beginning of their careers.
Listen more, but don’t be afraid to speak up. – Stephanie Clary, Breaking News @sclary
“Meet as many people as you can.” – Â Jose Zamora, Univision @jczamora
“Even if you know what you want to do, try something opposite. You never know.” – Lauren Hamlet, NBCUniversal
“You have a voice … use it earlier.” – Linda Jones, CNN @lindajcnn
“In journalism it is good to be analytical, but sometimes it is better to make quick choices, better to be brave. ” -Timo Kamarainen, YLE
“If you don’t understand something, ask. But you don’t need to apologize.” – Chelsey Heath, Arizona Republic
“Don’t sweat the small stuff.” – Dave Trausneck, Sinclair Broadcast Group
“Network, network network, because even the smallest, shortest conversation can get you into a group you never could have imagined.” – Britain Russell, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, @britni_russell
“If you think something is going to be big … stick with it. ” – Fergus Bell, Dig Deeper Media
“Be more openminded about the advice people with more and less experience give.” – Dorrine Mendoza, Facebook @dorrine
Want to share your shoes and some advice? Tweet us out your shoes at #ONANewsroom!
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