Posts by author
Jeff Stern
5 posts
Elon University
Interactive: Eliminate Your Fear of Code

[iframe src=”” height=”370″] Related Stories Journalists agree: understand technical world, adapt to changing industry Journalism and Technology: Two Views of an Evolving Partnership [Video] Code by Jeff Stern. Motion graphics…
Journalism and Technology: Two Views of an Evolving Partnership
In separate video interviews Andrew Phelps and Jigar Mehta describe their personal experiences with the intersection of journalism and technology. Mehta, a documentary filmmaker and co-founder of #18 Days in Egypt,…
Journalists Agree: Understand Technical World, Adapt to Changing Industry
Andrew Phelps started his career as a freelance reporter for a local California newspaper. Armed with a degree in political science, he just liked to report. When he became a…
Interactive Session Map: Saturday
Last day of the schedule and you’re still not sure where everything is? That’s okay, check out this interactive map. The complete schedule is available from ONA. [iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”1000″]
Interactive Session Map: Friday
Looking to see what’s happening in the Grand Ballroom today? Or how close the Bayview room is to Seacliff? Check out this interactive map. The complete schedule is available from ONA. [iframe…