Alex Winter entered show business as a child actor on Broadway and came to prominence in the wildly popular BILL AND TED franchise. Winter has directed two narrative features: cult classic FREAKED for 20th Century Fox and FEVER, for Lionsgate, which screened at Cannes. His TV credits range from MTV’s THE IDIOT BOX to Emmy-nominated work for Cartoon Network, as well as numerous commercials and music videos. Winter’s VH1 Rock Doc DOWNLOADED has earned nationwide critical acclaim at theatrical and festival screenings. Just released is SMOSH:THE MOVIE, which Winter directed and opened as the #1 comedy on iTunes. Winter's latest, award-winning documentary DEEP WEB, recently had a critically acclaimed world premiere at SXSW and a broadcast premiere in the U.S. on the Epix network, to be followed by a worldwide release on all platforms in September, 2015.