Candice Fortman has worked in commercial and non-profit media, leading marketing, engagement, and growth strategy. She is a skilled manager with more than fifteen years of experience in team leadership. Candice currently serves as the Executive Director of Outlier Media in Detroit where she helps to drive the work of Outliers mission which includes building a sustainable newsroom that challenges traditional models by centering the highest information needs of Detroiters. Before joining Outlier, Candice was the Marketing and Engagement Manager at WDET 101.9 Detroit’s NPR station. Fortman is a 2021 alumna of the JSK fellowship at Stanford, where she studied how the business model of journalism impacts low-wealth communities.
Aside from her duties at Outlier, Candice is also the host of News Guest, a podcast produced by LION (Local Independent Online News) Publishers that explores newsroom sustainability. Fortman sits on the board of Cityside, which operates Berkleyside and The Oaklandside in California. She is also an advisory board member for OpenNews, which connects developers, designers, journalists, and editors to collaborate on open technologies and processes within journalism.