Teresa was born the day Skylab fell. Coincidence? She doesn’t think so. She is currently an Assistant Editor at The Mary Sue, a feminist pop culture site, and her Feminist Brown Woman perspective on pop culture criticism has appeared at such diverse outlets as Jezebel, Latina Magazine, Slate, Al Dia, Tor.com, PopMatters and Newsarama. Her essays can be found in the anthologies Chicks Dig Gaming (Mad Norwegian Press, 2014), Chicks Unravel Time: Women Journey Through Every Season of Doctor Who (Mad Norwegian Press, 2012), Outside In (ATB Publishing, 2012), and Whedonistas: A Celebration of the Worlds of Joss Whedon By the Women Who Love Them (Mad Norwegian Press, 2011). She also writes prose fiction and screenplays and is the writer of your future favorite genre TV show.