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Behind the Screens: Creating A Great News App

Presented at London15: Mobile
March 5, 2015
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Whether you’re a digital-only outfit or a legacy organization, you’re most likely seeing the majority of your audience finding your content via a mobile device. Two experts — from BBC and BuzzFeed News — will discuss their experiences in shaping a mobile app designed for the best user experience. We’ll explore when we might predict user needs, what users want to share via social media and how push notifications fit into the mix. BBC’s revamped app was recently released in the UK, with an international release forthcoming, and BuzzFeed News will release an app later in 2015, so we’ll have a fresh take on mobile news design.


Stacy-Marie Ishmael
Editor, News App, BuzzFeed News
Nathalie Malinarich
Mobile Editor, BBC News
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