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Build Bots to Boost Your Reporting

Presented at ONA15
September 23, 2015
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Domo arigato, Journo Roboto! They can be invaluable in saving you time and effort in your reporting. We will demo tried-and-true examples to show how bots have assisted in creating great stories and eased access of data sets. We’ll then divide participants into varying levels of skills – from no coding skills to some coding skills – and take a deeper dive into demonstrating how you can build your own bots.

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John Keefe
Senior Editor, Data News, The New York Times
Jenny Ye
Producer, Data News Team, WNYC New York Public Radio
Justin Myers
News Automation Editor, The Associated Press
Philana Patterson
Assistant Business Editor, The Associated Press
Honest Charley Bodkin
Developer, Los Angeles Times
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