Go under the hood and learn from ABC Australia’s crowd-sourced aged-care investigation, which collected more than 4000 harrowing user stories, collaborated with ProPublica and others, published cross-platform and ultimately led to a federal Royal Commission investigation of abuse, neglect and death.
This session is designed for:
Newsrooms looking to roll out major stories across multiple platforms
Journalists interested in the mechanics and data management of crowd-sourcing
Anyone keen to learn how to turn investigative journalism into government action
Cheap, high-fidelity video and audio hoaxes are coming soon to political arena, and journalists on the front lines of misinformation need new tools to prevent abuses by powerful...
As journalists become more adept at borrowing from data science to produce new methods of analysis, they will increasingly need guidelines for story sourcing in terabytes of messy...
Notable figures, like all of us, exhibit specific, personalized behavior online, creating internet footprints visible to anyone via ethical and public digital sleuthing. Join this...