The Wall Street Journal has created a hub-and-spoke system to help drive towards great journalism. The Journal’s team of strategy editors are embedded with each coverage area but tightly connected with the newsroom’s centralized news strategy. In this session, they will discuss news projects the strategy editors have carried out in the last six months with our coverage editors and how the strategy editors are transforming practices on the ground level around SEO, tagging, visuals and story planning.
Crosswords and other puzzles have been valued by print readers for generations. They can be even more valuable for online publications. The New York Times is an obvious example....
Shifting reading habits, social media, and 24-hour cable news have created “news deserts” throughout the country, where local news no longer exists. News Break will be...
It seems everyone in journalism is talking about the importance of diversity in the newsroom. What’s missing in the conversation are the specific safety risks journalists of...