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Help Us Fund Your Work: Candid Advice from Funders Who Love You

Presented at ONA15
September 23, 2015
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For media and journalism organizations, understanding how to get and keep funding from philanthropic foundations is often a mystery. We’ll host a vibrant Q&A between funders and grantees from around the United States and shed some light on the decision-making process, offer tips for applying for grants and answer audience questions. This session is not just for non-profit media – come hear how for-profit local journalism organizations are attracting foundation dollars, too.

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Jennifer Choi
Democracy Program Officer, Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Molly de Aguiar
Program Director, Media and Communications
Tom Glaisyer
Program Director, Democracy Fund
Lauren Pabst
Program Officer, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Barbara Raab
Program Officer, Ford Foundation


Meghann Farnsworth
Managing Director, Distribution, Operations and Engagement
Emily Ramshaw
Editor, The 19th*
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