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Plunging Into The Dark Net

Presented at ONA15
September 23, 2015
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Many intriguing elements of the Dark Net — cryptocurrencies, underground markets, dissidents and pirates, the fight of anonymity and digital rights — culminated in the 2013 arrest of Ross Williams Ulbricht, allegedly the Dread Pirate Roberts, creator and operator of Silk Road. Alex Winter, director of the new documentary “Deep Web,” explored the details of Ulbricht’s arrest and its after effects. We’ll discuss the nexus of privacy, security and the far reaches of the web. We’ll also look at how journalists engage with a community whose mainstay is anonymity, and what that means when finding and verifying sources for stories.

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Andy Greenberg
Senior Writer, WIRED
Alex Winter
Actor, Producer and Director, Deep Web
Sarah Jeong
Contributing Editor, Motherboard
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