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534 results
Collaboration is a Messy Necessity
- Heather Bryant
Tell us what we've missed! The unconference is a chance for registered attendees to propose conversations on topics we may not have covered elsewhere. Collaboration is a...
Designing Journalism for a Digital Conversation
- Monica Guzmán
- Terry Parris Jr.
Moderated by Josh Stearns
From the rise of chat apps to the successful re-invigoration of newsletters with personality, it’s obvious audiences are hungry for new ways to connect with news and...
Designing More Emotionally Intelligent Digital Experiences
- Anjali Mullany
A range of companies — from social networking startups to media organizations to tech titans like Facebook — have been boldly experimenting to allow audiences to express their...
Developing the Audience You Don’t Have
- Amy Vernon
- Carla Zanoni
- Meena Thiruvengadam
Moderated by Kim Fox
Your analytics can tell you a lot about the preferences of the audience you have, but they also might give a hint as to audiences you’re not quite reaching. We’ll talk about...

Do Audience Better: Lessons from 150 Newsrooms and a Year of Writing Code for The Coral Project
- Greg Barber
- Sydette Harry
- Andrew Losowsky
Over the past year, The Coral Project talked to more than 300 people from nearly 150 news organizations in more than 30 countries, and then spent a year building tools to make...

Do We Need a Bechdel Test for News? How Inclusiveness and Credibility Can Expand Coverage
- Vanessa K De Luca
- Lisa Stone
- Jose Vargas
Moderated by Alisa Miller
Around the world, news features women only 24 percent of the time, a data point indicative of journalism’s larger problem with inclusiveness in all forms of diversity, including...
Don’t Read the Comments, Sew Them!
- Hannah Wise
The comments are tough to deal with. They are messy and more often than not they just make no sense. Even for journalists who are invested in engaging with their readers, the...

Early-Career Tips From our 2016 MJ Bear Fellows
- Rose Eveleth
- Sohara Mehroze Shachi
- Alex Laughlin
Hear inspiring examples of how early-career journalists are redefining our industry, our use of technology and our day-to-day jobs. Our newest MJ Bear Fellows, selected for their...

Editorial Partnerships for Business and Investigative Awesomeness
- Laura Frank
- Samuel Fromartz
The logic of joining forces on big, important and expensive-to-produce stories is hard to argue with. In a time of shrinking news budgets and resources, there’s even more of a...