The Future of Content Creation, Layout, and Curation in WordPress (aka Gutenberg)
September 12, 2018
WordPress and digital journalism have been BFFs forever and have been complementary to each other over the years. Early on, WordPress provided the freedom for journalists (and aspiring journalists) to easily publish on the web. Editorial tools built on WordPress helped publishers manage their workflows, editorial calendars, and more. Media’s need for content distribution via feeds, mobile apps, and decoupled sites drove the development of the REST API and integration into the WordPress project as a first class feature.
As we look to the future, WordPress is nearing the first milestone of a complete re-imagining of the content creation and curation experience, code named Gutenberg. In the next few months, WordPress will have an editorial interface built from the ground up to make content creation easier and faster than ever before. This will expand to page level creation, layout, and curation tools. Join the VIP team as they share the goals of this project, get you up to speed on the current state, and show how you can plan for the future to take advantage of a new editorial experience.