Audience Engagement

How to Please Every Platform and Make Video Distribution Work
- Ashley Codianni
- Andrew Springer
- Nadine Ajaka
Balancing servicing your own platform against the massive global audiences promised by Facebook Watch, Snapchat, Apple News, YouTube, Twitter, et. al., is the fundamental...

How’s My Story Doing? Custom Analytics and Empowered Local Newsrooms
- Kim Fox
- Sharon Chan
- Josh Hart
- Patrick Kerkstra
News needs more than pageview data to understand what audiences are willing to pay for. In new, distinct approaches, The Seattle Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer have built...
Misinformation Midterms? Understanding the Anatomy of Online Smears and Conspiracies
Will false information sway the 2018 midterms? Learn how misinformation campaigns and hoaxes are created and spread across social platforms from Storyful journalists in this...
WANTED: Journalists Ready to Actively Earn Audience Trust
WANTED: Journalists Ready to Actively Earn Audience Trust Don’t think of distrust as a big-picture industry problem. Think of it as something YOU can address now by making...
Fostering Needed Conversations
- Sarah Alvarez
- Stephanie Brown
Moderated by Sara Catania
In any community, difficult conversations need to be addressed, and news media are increasingly seen as a place to foster dialogue in a productive way. We’ll cover the...
Growing Your News Product from Scratch
- Anika Anand
- James Mirtle
Moderated by David Skok
Launching a new media product takes grit, rapidly developing a relationship with an audience, and the ability to learn and adapt to their needs quickly. We’ve gathered...
News as a Community Conversation
- Ariana Tobin
- Jessica Best
Moderated by Lindsey Wiebe
With a renewed focus on subscribers or members, mamy newsrooms are seeking to redefine their relationship with their community. Newsrooms large and small are developing new...
Seeking Growth in an International Audience
- Christian Oliver
- Millie Tran
Moderated by Jessica Murphy
As newsrooms continue to seek new audiences to engage with their reporting, many are finding opportunities beyond their home country. We’ll look at opportunities for...

Building Trust in Online Communities
- Kim Bode
- Rubina Madan Fillion
- Adam Smith
How can old and new media organizations build on their strengths to engender trust in the age of endless online soapboxing, media pluralism and fake news? What can they learn from ...