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Virtual Reality in a Material World

Presented at ONA15
September 23, 2015
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Over the past three years, VR journalism has proven it can create compelling, immersive stories unlike anything our communities can experience online. We’ve assembled some of the most intrepid pioneers of this new medium, who will show us how they’ve developed content, and demonstrate what the future holds. A sampling of what you’ll see in this session includes:

    • Emblematic Group’s Nonny de la Peña, the “godmother of virtual reality,” talking about her team’s work creating Project Syria, Hunger in LA and other immersive experiences.


    • Aaron Luber, head of partnerships with Google Cardboard, will discuss Cardboard’s rapid expansion and how it’s captured the public’s imagination.



    • Award-winning documentary filmmaker Thomas Wallner will discuss his astonishing Polar Sea 360 documentary film.



A collaborative doc for notes from this session is available here: http://bit.ly/ONA15immerse

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Aaron Luber
Head of Partnerships, Google/YouTube
Ray Soto
Thomas Wallner
CEO/Founder, DEEP Inc.


Robert Hernandez
Associate Professor of Professional Practice, USC / JOVRNALISAM
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